Sunday, June 29, 2014

Date #0: The Marathon Date

We've only just begun.

It's called #0 because this date is the one that sparked the idea behind this project.  (Don't tell Devin I called him a project.  Ha ha!).  I got incredibly sick last spring which rendered me a bed-ridden weakling for nearly a month, then we had a friend from Germany visit us for over two weeks.  So between my pathetic Jaba-the-hut-like state and touring the state of Utah, the romantic side of our relationship had been set on the back burner for almost two months.  

I could tell he felt forgotten.

 Seeing my frustration, my best friend suggested this date idea for me.  She is my guru when it comes to taking care of one's husband. (Seriously puts me to shame) I struck a deal with her to do a babysitting trade and the date was on the schedule.  (Obvious date tip: Find friends that you feel comfortable doing a babysitting trade!  You save a ton of money and you may even get to stay out later than normal)

Keep in mind that this date was not a part of my challenge, it merely gave me the idea for it. Also, yes, there is a typical dinner-and-a-movie vibe to it but I promise the execution makes it really fun.  It wasn't cheap, but it was oh so worth it. 

The Marathon Date Plan:

1. Have the kids gone to the sitter's house before he gets home(I had ours gone over night). You save a lot by not renting a hotel and just staying at home with no children waking you up at ungodly hours. 

2. Kiss ;) at home when the sun is still shining with no kids in the house!!! It makes you feel much less like a vampire.   

3. Go to his choice of Restaraunt

4. Go to the hot tub at the rec center

5. Go to Swig.  

6. Go see Captain America.

7. Go back to our home with no children and pick them up in the morning!

The Response:

I took the kids to their overnight sitter and Devin got home from work before I did.  He was sitting on the couch when I got there and I sat on the couch next to him with a big goofy grin on my face. I was super excited for him.  We talked for a while.  I kept waiting for him to notice the wondrous silence of no munchkins.  After what seemed like forever he asked where the kidlets were.  

I told him I had planned a night totally and completely dedicated to him because he deserved it.  We could go wherever he wanted for dinner, etc. etc. etc.  The date was his oyster, so to speak...

His initial reaction was shock then pure joy.

He kept saying,"Is this really happening right now?! I Can't believe it!"

He chose Carrabba's for dinner where we shared a margarita pizza and chicken bryan with amatriciana pasta and laughed like giddy school girls. (Don't tell Devin I called him a girl).  Because it was all about him, the whole night seemed to have a different kind of electricity behind it.

I chose a rec center hot tub as spot #2 because he had been training for a marathon and needed to relax.  Going to a pool and hot tub without kids was like that same amazing feeling as...  Oh, I don't even know...  I guess it must be what heaven is like.  It was super relaxing and so fun to people watch and talk to each other without having to save our kids from drowning every 10 seconds.  

Walking to the car, he grabbed my hand and squeezed it with a huge grin.  "I still don't believe it," he said.  

After the movie we went to SWIG up in Lehi.  He told me "I didn't know how much I needed this, but I really needed this."  That made it all super worth it.  

Even the next day he mentioned that he was still riding on the afterglow of our date of epic-ness the night before.  :)

And thus a blog was born!

Date #1 will be happening shortly!

Happy Dating!